He’s known for being a smug ladies man who rubs all his friends up the wrong way but now it looks like the Made in Chelsea star could be axed from the show. Spencer has allegedly been photographed snorting cocaine in front of stunned fans at a party. According to reports a fellow partygoer photographed Spencer at the event, which took place in Bath after a nightclub appearance. Spencer is said to have 'produced a bag of cocaine, grabbed a DVD case and did a line'. A source told The Sun: 'It made me feel really uncomfortable - but he acted like it was the most natural thing in the world. 'I was disgusted and surprised that he'd do it with people he did not know.' After snorting the drug himself, he is thought to have offered it to other partygoers. The Sun also claims that Spencer has tried to buy the photographs before they are made public. Who knew Spenny would do something as sneaky as that? Oh yeah of course he would, this is the guy who bullies his best mate, Jamie, and tries to steal his dates. Anyway, it’s thought that these pictures will affect his future on the show. A source has said: 'Spencer was about to sign a big deal but this could put a spanner in the works.' We really hope it does. Meanwhile, it’s been reported that other castmembers, including Francis Boulle and Kimberley Garner, have been warned about ‘unprofessional behaviour’. God knows what Francis did wrong or even Kimberley for that matter. Wow a posh, privately educated, Chelsea living, city boy-cum-reality star possibly does coke. We are shocked. Shocked we tell you. Posted: 24/04/2012 http://www.mrpaparazzi.com/post/18860/MICs-Spencer-Matthews-could-face-the-axe-after-being-photographed-snorting-cocaine