In the continued shake-up of Radio 1 to make it more suited to the yuff of today, it seems just about anyone who’s ever worked on T4 is replacing the old staff. Following Nick Grimshaw’s replacement of Chris Moyles comes the announcement that Vernon Kay and Reggie Yates will be departing the station after nearly a decade hosting their respective shows. Kay’s breakfast show will be taken over by Matt Edmondson (who’ll also be pinching Sara Cox’s show from her on a Sunday morning) while the chart show will now be presented by Jameela Jamil. Jameela’s current Sunday evening Request Show will now be hosted by YouTube stars Dan and Phil. The new changes won’t come into effect until January and we expect both Reggie and Vernon will be making some very emotional goodbyes but we have to say we think the changes are very good ones. What say you?
Posted: 09/11/2012